Tommy Walker Ministries – "Declaring the Gospel through Worship"


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Song of the Week - #5 - "How Good It Is"


This song is taken from Psalm 147 and was written in Jerusalem! The music was originally inspired when I had the idea for a thumb pick, finger-style pattern in which I play a separate bass line and rhythm pattern. It’s so fun to play! A few months later, my daughter Emmie and I videoed the song while in Hawaii. A very special thank you to Ingrid Chun and Carol Campos accompanying us on violin, Carlos Gallardo-Candia on ukulele, as well as my daughter Eileen on tambourine and vocals, all of whom we were able to add later in Los Angeles. Please subscribe!


How Good It Is Words and music by Tommy Walker. © Copyright 2016 McKinney Music, Inc. (BMI) (admin by LifeWay Worship c/o Music Services, All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI # 7057208

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