Tommy Walker Ministries – "Declaring the Gospel through Worship"


Updates & Events

“Song of the Week 2019” is pausing… for something big coming soon!


We want to let you know that we will be pausing Song of the Week 2019 for a short time. The reason for this slight hiatus is because we are excited to announce that we will be releasing a 2019 Christmas album entitled, Generation Carols this upcoming holiday season!

In order for us to finish the album the way we want, we need to put all of our efforts into the final production process. The new album will have some special opportunities for all of our TWM Partners as well. We can't wait for you to worship and celebrate this Christmas season with Generation Carols.

Don't worry though, Song of the Week 2019 will return shortly with some amazing new song videos we have already filmed. In the meantime, if you missed any of the first 22 videos, we want to invite you to watch them by going to the TWM YouTube Channel and visiting the "Song of the Week 2019" playlist.



Tommy Walker & the TWM Team

Tech TWM